Now, for some extra credit to those of you who (whom?) enjoyed the last project, here's how to make it more unique. First, if you didn't like how the Stroke along the outside turned out after setting all the layers, go back to any one of them, double click on the fx icon on the layer, make your changes, then do the 'Copy layer style/Paster layer style' technique again to each of the layers.
Next, lets rearrange the order of the layers to control/change the overlap of each of the squares. Remember, the squares/layers are stacked, from top to bottom. Any layer that's on top, will go over the square/layer below it. You can rearrange to your hearts delight to create overlaps as desired. This allows you to have some squares under one or two of its neighbors, but overlap one or more of the others. Look across the bottom of my image for examples.
This can be done wether you've got 20 layers or 2. The final look is up to you.
That's today's post. Email any questions/ideas/comments.
Thanks for playing.
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