Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tony's Photographic Blogs beginnings


This is/will be, the first of many blogs to come - As I delve into and figure out this world of "Blogging".

I've written for numerous magazines in a previous life, but all have been in the Professional Music & Pro-Audio/Video industries, and mostly technical or of a training nature.

All articles I've written for the Photographic world have been either published in our store's newsletter (Digital Art Moments & That Photo Shoppe in Anacortes, WA USA), or used for the many classes and workshops that I now teach beginning to intermediate photographers.  I plan on adding many of those to this blog, as well as my parallel blog that I'm testing at "Talkspot" (

As to the regularity of my postings - Well, we'll see. On the one hand, I'm busy running our store, and on the 2nd hand, I've never been accused of being a very organized person - but I'm working on it and I've got a lot to get out of my head and onto paper (or a screen actually in this case).


And Now, For Something Completely Different - 101 Photoshop Tips In 5 Min By Deke