Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We've Grown & Moved!!


It's actually been awhile since I've posted on this blog — Life, Business, The Economic Mess, etc. have all kept me busy, so this blog has been kinda forgotten — Sorry…

I've also moved a lot of my "news, thoughts and photos" to Facebook, getting caught up in that whole thing too, but it's almost starting to pay off now. Now, you can get more up to date news if you "Like" our Facebook pages — Alternative Focus & Tony Locke Photography to keep track of our events and fun tips and tricks.

Also during all that time, we've made several changes to our company and it's offerings, along with adding a new, more active website, which also houses my blog now too. I will be consolidating my other blogs (Tony's Photoshop Tips & Tricks and Eruisko Travel Photography) there too — So, if you're one of my blog followers, move on over to (no caps needed), sign up for our newsletter, and enjoy all of the new things going on.

We've also started two other side companies, loosely related to our photography work, as we're still working with artists, but have broadened our reach.

Armchair ePublishing is our eBook and book layout company, working with indie authors to get their page layout and book cover designed, allowing them to sell and self-publish their books. That eats up a lot of my time. And also helps pay more of the bills.

Alternative Inbound Marketing  started off as building websites and marketing for artists, but has grown to include many companies of all types, that would like great marketing, social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and a company website, all from one source. This eats up a lot of Karla's time, and help pays the bills too.

If you, or anyone you know can use any of these new services, please let us know. We're now working internationally.

So, that's the latest news. Hope you all come on over and join us at our new place.

Tony D. Locke, MM

And Now, For Something Completely Different - 101 Photoshop Tips In 5 Min By Deke