Sunday, November 15, 2009

That Golden Hour - A Calculator For You

That fun little story on the right about "That Magic Hour" is something that all photographers live by, at least those like myself, that shoot outside.

Here's a link to two web-sites that will automatically calculate when That Magic Hour will be available for you, no matter where you are in the world - Allowing you to plan ahead, get up in time, eat breakfast (or dinner for me, as I'm not a morning person), have your kit ready, take a look at how the clouds are doing and go shot!

What makes it even better, should you be traveling - They will in most cases, figure out where you're at when you surf to it. More Auto-Magic stuff from the Internet.

Verify it did in fact find your location and click 'generate table' - Bam! Now you have another reason to grab someone to get out there and shoot!

Your Welcome,
Tony D. Locke, MM


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